BIC Research department invites research-based articles on the multidisciplinary field from interested researchers and scholars for the BIC Journal of Management (BIC-JoM). Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to [email protected] in the prescribed format and author. Articles must be original and should not have been submitted or published previously anywhere else for publication.

For more details contact Research Department:

Boston International College
Bharatpur-10, Hakim Chowk, Chitwan
Tel: 056-598892056-598992
[email protected]

BIC Journal of Management​

Nov 2022 | Volume 1 | Number 1 | ISSN: 2979-1174

Advisory Board
Patron Ananda Bahadur Chand, Chairperson, Boston International College
Chief Advisior Prof.  Dr. Mahananda Chalise, Tribhuvan University
Advisors Raju Tamang, Executive Director, Boston International College
Prof. Dr. Bhoj Raj Aryal, Tribhuvan University
Associate Prof. Kapil Dev Subedi, Sr. Faculty, Boston International College
Dr. Bishnu Pariyar, Academic Director, Boston International College
Puspa Raj Adhikari, Associate Director, Boston International College
Editorial Board
Chief Editor Post Raj Pokharel, M. Phil., PhD, Head of Research Department, Boston International College
Editors Associate Prof. Dr. Prakash C. Bhattarai, Asociate Dean, Department of Development Eduction, Kathmandu University
Associate Prof. Dr. Bharat Ram Dhungana, Pokhara University
Associate Prof. Dr. Bijay Lal Pradhan, Tribhuvan University
Santosh Sigdel, Senior Lecturer, Boston International College
Production Team Roshan Sapkota, Manish Kandel, Subhash Aryal, Swornim Lama, Sangpu Shakya